Source: 4/2/24
[ACSOL is posting this showing a new law where the victim’s age not a factor]
BRENTWOOD, N.H. —A New Hampshire teacher of the year finalist pleaded guilty Tuesday to sexual assault charges involving a student at a school where she worked.
Former Sanborn Regional High School teacher Bridgette _____, 40, admitted sexually assaulting an 18-year-old student in April and May 2021.
The case involves a relatively new law in which the age of the victim isn’t a factor, even if the student is an adult. The law was intended to hold accountable those in power around school-age children.
In New Hampshire, a female drama teacher has been sentenced to a year in jail (but I think only will serve a few weeks) for sex with an 18-year-old male student. He didn’t want her prosecuted at all. She’ll also be on the registry, and won’t be able to be around children. The state invested 400 hours into this prosecution.
the article says Children… how is a 18 yr old a CHILD ??
Was this adult student claiming duress was used? Did this teacher force herself upon her student? Trickery… drugged… sex for grades/beer? Something that indicates this wasn’t just an adult woman engaging in consentual sex with an 18 year old… why is that not in here? Because it was in fact an adult woman engaged in consentual sex with an 18 year old?
While I’m not a big fan of HS teachers hooking up with their students, even if they are adults… mostly because the potential for abuse of authority is far too great… that doesn’t make this criminal, and crossing not a “Sexual Assault!” Doesn’t the “victim” judge to agree that were “Assaulted” to make it an “assault”? If this Student were a minor, perhaps the State and/or their Guardians could make that decision for a minor… but this student wasn’t a minor at the time of the incident(s).
This is a Work Code violation, at most. This Teacher violated a School District/State Code of conduct rule… and perhaps committed a breech of ethics…. but committed no crime.
While I agree they can restrict her as a condition of employment… they cannot restrict his behaviors away from school grounds at all. Once he’s off the campus, their authority over him ends. So, the only actionable breech would be her breech of her terms of employment…which is not criminal.
The “age doesn’t matter” law designed to “protect children” contradiction in terms is DoublePlus Good classic Newspeak nonsense as well.
Who cares what two consenting adults do when sparks fly, chemistry is there, and bumping occurs. It’s none of my business and it shouldn’t be lawmakers either. Lawmakers aren’t moral and should stay out of things that aren’t any of their businesses and stay in their lane.
Ordered to stay away from children under 18, but her “victim” was 18. Don’t underestimate the level of hysteria humans are capable of. The threat to PFR and anyone accused of SEX crimes is extremely real. All logic an reasoning is effected by anything remotely sexual, based upon deeply routed puritanical and religious beliefs, and fear. Sound familiar?
I am confused. How was she allowed to teach if she is a [Person Forced to Register]? Oh wait, I see. She was NOT on any registry, so the parents felt totally safe with their “children” in her classroom. She seemed less threatening now that she was not on any registry. Just another of thousands of examples proving that the registry actually harms more than it helps. People have a false sense of security knowing where a [PFR} lives, yet, they will never know what other “criminals” loom in their vicinity because nobody else will be publicly ousted. So, the people who have no PFR living nearby let their guard down. And that is why the registry HARMS. They put people who only worry about PFR in harm’s way by letting their guard down. Brilliant Logic State Legislators!
Sounds like a very bad love story on Lifetime network.